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Found 5 stories for 烦
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I was vexed by the fire which was set by a page in a book.
by aeforton0614

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The burning papers were troubling me.
by deviningers

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I was very vexed to see the paper on fire
by King

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When I see the papers too close to the fire I get very vexed at who set them together.
by KittyL2

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I was bothered by the burning leaves.
by jcschwartz0420

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The burning papers were troubling me.
by deviningers

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I was very vexed to see the paper on fire
by King

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When I see the papers too close to the fire I get very vexed at who set them together.
by KittyL2

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I was vexed by the fire which was set by a page in a book.
by aeforton0614

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I was bothered by the burning leaves.
by jcschwartz0420