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Lesson 6

by bensmithperez 36 characters

也 Also

by BobWebb 5 characters

子 Son & 了-ed

by BobWebb 10 characters

囗 Mouth or Opening

by BobWebb 4 characters

女 Woman

by BobWebb 8 characters

心 Heart

by BobWebb 4 characters

小 Small

by BobWebb 3 characters

手 Hand & 毛 Fur

by BobWebb 5 characters

巾 Cloth

by BobWebb 5 characters

丝 Tiny & 兹 Now

by BobWebb 4 characters

刀 Knife & 力 Power

by BobWebb 7 characters

日 Sun & 目 Eye

by BobWebb 5 characters