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Popping since 8 years ago

Showing 1 – 12 of 17 stories next page

剂 dose

When taking the daily dose of your medicine, you should measure it neatly with a knife to prevent any harm.
by Tim

涯 border

The water in the jade tablet factory rose up to the HORIZON. Then a fox jumped down from the sky to save everyone screaming 'ya!'.
by Tim

鄙 rustic

When the 10 DESPICABLE mouths of people returned to their town after being chased a way, they were welcomed with fire.
by Tim

携 carry

The sparrow flew into my window and hurt its wing. Thus I will carry it with my hand to the next vet.
by Tim

撤 withdraw

To withdraw his former claims about the person next to him, he used his hand to tap on his shoulder and educate him about his misgivings.
by Tim

乏 lack

His English still lacks some good grammar. He basically leaves out one 'of' in every sentence.
by Tim

倾 overturn

When the short person overturned the city map lying on the floor, he was stunned by its large area shaped like a spoon.
by Tim

顷 large area

On the last page of the science fiction book, he found a map of the large area of the story which was shaped like a futuristic spoon.
by Tim

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