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Popping since 3 years ago

Showing 277 – 288 of 1182 stories next page

胃 stomach

John and Megan stop and eat, figuring they'll till [way] more of the the FIELD if they have MEAT in their <stomach>s.
by vms5q

博 ample

Charlie gives me some of his <ample> feathers, so I can craft a [boa]. It's only TEN INCHes long so far, but I'm just BEGINning.
by vms5q

宮 palace

"Does the bigwi[g own g]ood <palace>s?" I ask. "Oh, yes, each with a lower-case "g" on the facade, for Gatsby," answers Laura.
by vms5q

氏 clan

With his SPEAR and WIDE-BRIMMED HAT, John races to join his <clan>, not wanting to [shi]rk responsibility.
by vms5q