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Popping since 3 years ago

Showing 1 – 12 of 1182 stories next page

於 preposition

Charlie's the SECOND PERSON in his German class to memorize the <preposition> song. About Caroline, the winner, he thinks, "[you] are so SQUARE!"
by vms5q

冬 winter

After the <winter> storm, Laura tells Julia and Connor: "[Dong]et too excited. Be careful MARCHing across the ICE.
by vms5q

終 end

Laura, snowed in, can't get more SILK. "Until the <end> of WINTER I'll have to mana[ge. Own g]reat quantities to avoid this, she says.
by vms5q

段 segment

After defeating the army with LANCEs, John asks, "[Do an]y of you have a flag for marking this <segment> of land as ours?"
by vms5q

書 book

Julia's <book> shows how ancient calligraphers' BRUSH strokes depicting the SUN evolved into the character we recognize today.
by vms5q