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Popping since 4 years ago

Showing 373 – 384 of 1182 stories next page

錯 mistake

MONEY for the FORMER presiden[t's wa]ll would come from Mexico, he <mistake>nly claimed. That never happened, explained Megan.
by vms5q

敞 spacious

We mun[ch on g]reat food Anne & Mike's <spacious> living room. There's no beer on TAP, but we don't care. It's the company we VALUE.
by vms5q

位 position

Megan, a passionate PERSON, couldn't STAND her <position> and, seeing no [way] to resolve her grievances, resigned.
by vms5q

帝 emperor

On their registry John and Megan put a toilet LID COVER and EIGHT TOWELS. They wanted a ti[dy] bathroom fit for an <emperor>.
by vms5q

瘦 slim

John [show]s me a compound our OLD MAN is making in a mortar. "Is he SICK?" I ask. "No, this is just to help him <slim> down AGAIN," says John.
by vms5q

木 wood

John and Megan's cows [moo] less when they keep them in groups of EIGHT to TEN, in <wood> pens John built.
by vms5q

監 oversee

Could you see Laura as a MINISTER, <oversee>ing funerals, from the eulo[gy 'n] hymns to the DISHes served at the reception?
by vms5q

漢 Han

In her novel, Megan writes: When I'm TWENTY I see my [Han]dsome Han HUSBAND for the first time, in the MIDDLE of a pool of WATER.
by vms5q

万 10,000

Megan makes up her own stories about the LEGENDARY MONKEY King. In one, he looks [wan] after scything <TEN THOUSAND> blades of grass.
by vms5q