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Popping since 4 years ago

Showing 433 – 444 of 1182 stories next page

咸 salty

At the FACTORY, Charlie OPENs his MOUTH and eats ONE sardine. It tastes so fi[shy 'n] salty, it feels like getting cut with a HALBERD.
by vms5q

紀 era

Megan said, it's <CHRONICLED> that in that <era>, you didn't wear [jea]ns. You wore SILK dresses you made yourSELF.
by vms5q

周 week

After another <CIRCLE> round the sun w/ Dave, Laura says: I'm LUCKY to have his ARMS <AROUND> me 52 <week>s a year. He's not your average [Joe].
by vms5q

斗 battle

On the wall, Zack draws two lines to show where Spiderman and Batman will <battle>. "[Do]n't write on the wall!" says Mike.
by vms5q

髒 dirty

Laura teaches ki[ds on g]ood behavior how to make soup: "First cook TWENTY bones in broth with lemonGRASS that's fresh - not DEAD or <dirty>."
by vms5q

盲 blind

I hoped Charlie's EYEs would go to a <blind> person after he was DECEASED, passing hi[m on, g]iving us extra solace.
by vms5q

頂 crest

Don't tell Anne the en[ding]. She hasn't reached the <APEX>, where the mystery of the THONG is solved.
by vms5q

吹 blow

When Laura's tree blows into the neighbor's yard, she<OPEN>s her wallet. "I OWE you for removal. How mu[ch?" "Wai]t, I'll get a quote," he answers.
by vms5q

船 ship

Charlie warned, "Don[chuan]ter a ship w/o being OPEN to the possibility of it sinking. Know [how many] rescue BOATs it has."
by vms5q