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Popping since 4 years ago

Showing 781 – 792 of 1182 stories next page

逞 to show off

I <INDULGE> myself, pretending to WALK *down and up* a catwalk to PRESENT, <SHOW OFF>, and <FLAUNT> my duds, as if I rea[ch ung]uessable #s of fans.
by vms5q

盆 basin

I deserve [pun]ishment, but she only reprimands, then *rises* above her anger and helps me DIVIDE my plants among new <POT>s. I'm so humbled.
by vms5q

盤 tray

I <EXAMINE> the <PLATE>s and tray>s. DISHes served *up* to the [pan]el of high-CLASS judges must be perfect.
by vms5q

剔 pick

Mr. Kerekes EASYly <pick>s and <SCRAPE>s the playdoh out of our sneakers' soles with a KNIFE but still stomps *across* the yard afterward, [tee]d off.
by vms5q

篮 basket

I OVERSEE the weaving of the BAMBOO <basket>s our [lan]d's famous for. Each must live *up* to my standards.
by vms5q

臣 minister

As a <minister>, I prea[ch un]selfish ways of living and send *up* prayers for the deceased. (臣 resembles the face of one lying in state.)
by vms5q

險 dangerous

It's <dangerous> when hungry PEOPLE GATHER in TOWN and get pu[shy 'n] loud. Before things go *down*hill, someone say something *up*lifting!
by vms5q

托 entrust

I'm <entrust>ing my [two o]nly children to your care. Can I depend on you? Let's extend and shake HANDs on it.
by vms5q

奐 brilliant

"[Who an]nounces the winner of these EIGHT BIG KNIVES?" I ask, looking *down* at them shining <brilliant>ly in the BOX.
by vms5q

更 even more

I'm <even more> [gung]-ho about her than the last GOVERNor. She'll go *down* in history as the best one at EXPRESSing ideas.
by vms5q