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ten feet
Found 3 stories for 丈
AU Flag User Thumbnail

Husband: Tall (ten feet), dark & handsome.
by BobWebb

User Thumbnail

As GOVERNor, Megan looks down to acknowle[dge ong]oing protests by people <ten feet> below the balcony. [John g]ives support.
by vms5q

User Thumbnail

It is mix of shi with cross
by Tabish

User Thumbnail

As GOVERNor, Megan looks down to acknowle[dge ong]oing protests by people <ten feet> below the balcony. [John g]ives support.
by vms5q

User Thumbnail

It is mix of shi with cross
by Tabish

AU Flag User Thumbnail

Husband: Tall (ten feet), dark & handsome.
by BobWebb