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Found 2 stories for 予
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Anne loves the genie who <bestow>s Aladdin with three wishes and sings [You] ain't never had a friend like me." (Triangular head, two arms, a tail.)
by vms5q

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Once I wanted to give a wish. To do so I had to go. At the journey's end, it was just me, alone with empty chairs at empty tables.
by MLCVBridget

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Anne loves the genie who <bestow>s Aladdin with three wishes and sings [You] ain't never had a friend like me." (Triangular head, two arms, a tail.)
by vms5q

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Once I wanted to give a wish. To do so I had to go. At the journey's end, it was just me, alone with empty chairs at empty tables.
by MLCVBridget