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Found 4 stories for 亮
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How many shining stars cover the Opening of the Lid.
by CLTCEden

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Sudden[ly on g]uard, she OPENs the lanterns, extinguishes them, and puts their LIDs back *down*, so no one will see them <shining> from her roof.
by vms5q

TZ Flag User Thumbnail

Put a lid on a mouth of people who cover their few mistakes!!!
by Speedy__

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How many shining tall models cover it up?
by jena

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Sudden[ly on g]uard, she OPENs the lanterns, extinguishes them, and puts their LIDs back *down*, so no one will see them <shining> from her roof.
by vms5q

TZ Flag User Thumbnail

Put a lid on a mouth of people who cover their few mistakes!!!
by Speedy__

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How many shining tall models cover it up?
by jena

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How many shining stars cover the Opening of the Lid.
by CLTCEden