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Found 4 stories for 休
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If someone feel tired, they often lean on the tree to rest.
by svo_set06

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A person leans on a tree to rest
by sophiehong8

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Laura's very fit. On the hike, [she o]nly leans against a TREE to <rest> for a minute.
by vms5q

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rest = show me a man leaning against a tree
by Debrawinograd

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Laura's very fit. On the hike, [she o]nly leans against a TREE to <rest> for a minute.
by vms5q

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rest = show me a man leaning against a tree
by Debrawinograd

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A person leans on a tree to rest
by sophiehong8

TW Flag User Thumbnail

If someone feel tired, they often lean on the tree to rest.
by svo_set06