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Found 5 stories for 但
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I was a wolf but daybreak changed me back into a person.
by King-Aragorn

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a person daybreaks with their but
by Dmoney

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Boss: Person, you have to start working at daybreak. Person: but...
by Yibai

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The PERSON [dan]ces all night <but> falls *down* at DAYBREAK, exhausted.
by vms5q

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dàn is a person, but he will not take a daybreak
by Marcus2611

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Boss: Person, you have to start working at daybreak. Person: but...
by Yibai

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The PERSON [dan]ces all night <but> falls *down* at DAYBREAK, exhausted.
by vms5q

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dàn is a person, but he will not take a daybreak
by Marcus2611

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a person daybreaks with their but
by Dmoney

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I was a wolf but daybreak changed me back into a person.
by King-Aragorn