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Found 4 stories for 冬
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In winter, you can only walk slowly on the snow that has been falling.
by azyris

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After the <winter> storm, Laura tells Julia and Connor: "[Dong]et too excited. Be careful MARCHing across the ICE.
by vms5q

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Dongs with two hanging dots below get very cold in the winter
by Funny翻译人

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The winter often comes after spring, summer, autumn, when it comes it brings ice.
by longndtam

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After the <winter> storm, Laura tells Julia and Connor: "[Dong]et too excited. Be careful MARCHing across the ICE.
by vms5q

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Dongs with two hanging dots below get very cold in the winter
by Funny翻译人

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In winter, you can only walk slowly on the snow that has been falling.
by azyris

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The winter often comes after spring, summer, autumn, when it comes it brings ice.
by longndtam