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Found 6 stories for 冷
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What do you mean, you're cold? You're the one who ordered all that ice.
by Sanne-san

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And god ordered the ice to be cold!
by Yibai

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My lung is green; I have a cold.
by Debrawinograd

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Stil[l ung]loved, Anne ORDERs her subordinate to put ICE on patient's black eye. "Keep it <cold>," she said.
by vms5q

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What is the correct order? The ice before cold or the cold before ice?
by makhp

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Today with a small dot on it would be orderly, with ice in front would be cold
by huangying

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And god ordered the ice to be cold!
by Yibai

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My lung is green; I have a cold.
by Debrawinograd

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Stil[l ung]loved, Anne ORDERs her subordinate to put ICE on patient's black eye. "Keep it <cold>," she said.
by vms5q

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What do you mean, you're cold? You're the one who ordered all that ice.
by Sanne-san

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What is the correct order? The ice before cold or the cold before ice?
by makhp

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Today with a small dot on it would be orderly, with ice in front would be cold
by huangying