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Found 4 stories for 前
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Tim accidentally amputated his leg while cutting weeds in front of the house
by jena

US Flag User Thumbnail

It's been a month since I cut my front lawn.
by Dign

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If you mow the lawn in front of your house, it will also amputate the small weeds in-between the grass.
by makhp

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Walking thru the GRASS in the <front> yard makes Charlie's legs it[chy 'n] scratchy. He decides to start CUTting it twice a MONTH in the <FUTURE>.
by vms5q

User Thumbnail

Walking thru the GRASS in the <front> yard makes Charlie's legs it[chy 'n] scratchy. He decides to start CUTting it twice a MONTH in the <FUTURE>.
by vms5q

US Flag User Thumbnail

It's been a month since I cut my front lawn.
by Dign

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Tim accidentally amputated his leg while cutting weeds in front of the house
by jena

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If you mow the lawn in front of your house, it will also amputate the small weeds in-between the grass.
by makhp