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Found 2 stories for 剛
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A knife, a weedy mountain ridge that divides two countries, and a gang of thieves are just the right ingredients for a good story.
by 馬格瑞

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The dog[gone g]irl flees toward the RIDGE on the *horizon*, a KNIFE in her <FIRM HARD STRONG> hand. She <just BARELY> makes it without getting caught.
by vms5q

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The dog[gone g]irl flees toward the RIDGE on the *horizon*, a KNIFE in her <FIRM HARD STRONG> hand. She <just BARELY> makes it without getting caught.
by vms5q

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A knife, a weedy mountain ridge that divides two countries, and a gang of thieves are just the right ingredients for a good story.
by 馬格瑞