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Found 4 stories for 古
US Flag User Thumbnail

Ten (十) ancient (古) mouths (口) were found in the sandbox.
by Prismcool

US Flag User Thumbnail

Gu the ancient goo girl had ten mouths with which to swallow things
by Funny翻译人

User Thumbnail

Scooping “ten 十-mushroom” soup in my mouth 口, I love its bi[g u]mami flavor. I’m glad this ancient recipe survived - we still have it to savor!
by vms5q

RU Flag User Thumbnail

by VSL

US Flag User Thumbnail

Gu the ancient goo girl had ten mouths with which to swallow things
by Funny翻译人

User Thumbnail

Scooping “ten 十-mushroom” soup in my mouth 口, I love its bi[g u]mami flavor. I’m glad this ancient recipe survived - we still have it to savor!
by vms5q

US Flag User Thumbnail

Ten (十) ancient (古) mouths (口) were found in the sandbox.
by Prismcool

RU Flag User Thumbnail

by VSL