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Found 3 stories for 吹
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When you OWE someone, you can always blow them with your MOUTH.
by xXJoeyXxPussyslayer_MLG-PRO6969

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The God of Winds OWES the Goddess of Spring breezy winds so he blowS a kiss to her...
by JoYousOjOe

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When Laura's tree blows into the neighbor's yard, she<OPEN>s her wallet. "I OWE you for removal. How mu[ch?" "Wai]t, I'll get a quote," he answers.
by vms5q

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When Laura's tree blows into the neighbor's yard, she<OPEN>s her wallet. "I OWE you for removal. How mu[ch?" "Wai]t, I'll get a quote," he answers.
by vms5q

US Flag User Thumbnail

The God of Winds OWES the Goddess of Spring breezy winds so he blowS a kiss to her...
by JoYousOjOe

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When you OWE someone, you can always blow them with your MOUTH.
by xXJoeyXxPussyslayer_MLG-PRO6969