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Found 6 stories for 土
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There are ten planets in the solar system but only one is home.
by johan

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(土) shows that the (一) is horizon line with the cross (十) over on , yes this is earth
by Farid

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earth is 1/10 for aliens
by Neslyn

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I visited 10 other planets, but only one was capable of supporting human life as earth is.
by vms5q

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I bet you 10 to 1 that this is planet earth that we are living on.
by Sprigit

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One under the ten Celestial is known as the earth.
by EloraK

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earth is 1/10 for aliens
by Neslyn

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I visited 10 other planets, but only one was capable of supporting human life as earth is.
by vms5q

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(土) shows that the (一) is horizon line with the cross (十) over on , yes this is earth
by Farid

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I bet you 10 to 1 that this is planet earth that we are living on.
by Sprigit

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There are ten planets in the solar system but only one is home.
by johan

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One under the ten Celestial is known as the earth.
by EloraK