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Found 14 stories for 学
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A child can study under a roof.
by dcloobeck

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Children cover their studies in school
by connor0604

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small knowledge drops are absorbed through the roof into the child.
by littleghost

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A child covers a lot of topics in school that need to be studied
by dosemobor915

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Because of the rain, the child has to stand under the roof of a small store.
by SunRui

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The son is under great pressure to study.
by BobWebb

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Thằng bé (子) đang quấn khăn lụa (冖) vát môi ra (⺍) là đang học (学)
by manhhakcqt

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A small cover over the son who is studying
by Albee

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The woman's son went to study at a university even though he was an underCOVER agent and got a huge slash across the face by a rabid tiger
by cltcaliciaisfab

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while my son is studying he got angry and slashed a pencil at his phone cover.
by CLTCpaije

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A child studies in a covered school.
by ljohnson48

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A child is study at school.
by asala2018

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good schools, in which students study, have sturdy roofs
by eastlyn

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Children spend a lot of time under the cover a school learning things.
by tshaver64

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Because of the rain, the child has to stand under the roof of a small store.
by SunRui

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The son is under great pressure to study.
by BobWebb

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Thằng bé (子) đang quấn khăn lụa (冖) vát môi ra (⺍) là đang học (学)
by manhhakcqt

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A small cover over the son who is studying
by Albee

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small knowledge drops are absorbed through the roof into the child.
by littleghost

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The woman's son went to study at a university even though he was an underCOVER agent and got a huge slash across the face by a rabid tiger
by cltcaliciaisfab

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while my son is studying he got angry and slashed a pencil at his phone cover.
by CLTCpaije

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A child studies in a covered school.
by ljohnson48

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Children cover their studies in school
by connor0604

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A child is study at school.
by asala2018

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good schools, in which students study, have sturdy roofs
by eastlyn

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A child can study under a roof.
by dcloobeck

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A child covers a lot of topics in school that need to be studied
by dosemobor915

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Children spend a lot of time under the cover a school learning things.
by tshaver64