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Found 4 stories for 害
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when many 丰 people 口are below the same roof, it is dangerous!
by lisomi

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Trapped between a teetering ROOF and an OPENING in the ground, the situation is ABUNDANTLY harmful...
by JoYousOjOe

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He was open-mouthed as the roof fell in.
by emramsden

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"An ABUNDANCE of meteors falling from a great [hei]ght would be very harmful, creating OPENings in our ROOF," said John.
by vms5q

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"An ABUNDANCE of meteors falling from a great [hei]ght would be very harmful, creating OPENings in our ROOF," said John.
by vms5q

US Flag User Thumbnail

Trapped between a teetering ROOF and an OPENING in the ground, the situation is ABUNDANTLY harmful...
by JoYousOjOe

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when many 丰 people 口are below the same roof, it is dangerous!
by lisomi

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He was open-mouthed as the roof fell in.
by emramsden