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Found 8 stories for 密
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It's General Shan! Crud, my secret on top of the roof must be kept between us!
by MANgo

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If you build your home on the top of a mountain, you must be keeping something secret.
by cdavis1021

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The secret roof on top of the mountain must be kept secret
by Cafinn

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To protect everyone from [mi] and my powers, I MUST live alone *under* my own ROOF. I'll create a <secret> palace on this MOUNTAIN.
by vms5q

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The gang under the roof (宀 mián roof) must (必 bì must) go to the mountains (山 shān mountain) with their secrets to avoid being discovered
by Magna

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The secret mountain must be kept on the roof.
by deviningers

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He keeps secrets from all of his friends.
by King-Aragorn

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We cannot keep it in the roof, we must keep it in the mountain
by longndtam

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To protect everyone from [mi] and my powers, I MUST live alone *under* my own ROOF. I'll create a <secret> palace on this MOUNTAIN.
by vms5q

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The gang under the roof (宀 mián roof) must (必 bì must) go to the mountains (山 shān mountain) with their secrets to avoid being discovered
by Magna

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We cannot keep it in the roof, we must keep it in the mountain
by longndtam

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It's General Shan! Crud, my secret on top of the roof must be kept between us!
by MANgo

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If you build your home on the top of a mountain, you must be keeping something secret.
by cdavis1021

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The secret mountain must be kept on the roof.
by deviningers

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He keeps secrets from all of his friends.
by King-Aragorn

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The secret roof on top of the mountain must be kept secret
by Cafinn