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Found 4 stories for 寺
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I [si]t in the temple with my forehead down within an inch 寸 of the earth 土.
by vms5q

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The holy temple floated in the sky held up only by a thin inch of earth.
by Matherinep

RU Flag User Thumbnail

Храм — маленький особенный кусочек земли, пульсирующий (духовность)
by Alex

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I live in the earth temple of inch
by CLTCOktay

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I [si]t in the temple with my forehead down within an inch 寸 of the earth 土.
by vms5q

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The holy temple floated in the sky held up only by a thin inch of earth.
by Matherinep

RU Flag User Thumbnail

Храм — маленький особенный кусочек земли, пульсирующий (духовность)
by Alex

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I live in the earth temple of inch
by CLTCOktay