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Found 8 stories for 岁
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The sun sets below the mountain each evening. When the sun sets, a day has passed, so this means it is talking about time and age.
by DCt

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The year has passed when the moon sets below the mountain
by coachpacman

US Flag User Thumbnail

Говорят мы достигаем горы закате но мне кажется года.
by terahdixon

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oh my goodness i am 100 years in age (ps, im dead)
by 1234567890

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The sun sets behind the mountain every night. Every time the sun sets, you have lived for another day. This symbolizes the passing of time and age.
by Cinta

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When the moon sets below the mountain. As you get older and older and your time goes past.
by jasmine

AU Flag User Thumbnail

as the sun goes past the mountain and time goes by your age changes
by danananananabatman

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the sun sets behind the mountain
by Beyoncedoppelganger7

US Flag User Thumbnail

Говорят мы достигаем горы закате но мне кажется года.
by terahdixon

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The sun sets below the mountain each evening. When the sun sets, a day has passed, so this means it is talking about time and age.
by DCt

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oh my goodness i am 100 years in age (ps, im dead)
by 1234567890

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The sun sets behind the mountain every night. Every time the sun sets, you have lived for another day. This symbolizes the passing of time and age.
by Cinta

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When the moon sets below the mountain. As you get older and older and your time goes past.
by jasmine

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as the sun goes past the mountain and time goes by your age changes
by danananananabatman

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the sun sets behind the mountain
by Beyoncedoppelganger7

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The year has passed when the moon sets below the mountain
by coachpacman