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Found 4 stories for 幸
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Happiness is having a land (tu) and working (gan) luckily and profitable (ba 8 is lucky number in China)
by thuthuy

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people considered fortunate enough are able to have their own land and work. (8 is a very lucky/ fortunate number in China)
by 华语

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John was ru[shing] to WORK EIGHT posts into the SOIL before the wedding. <fortunate>ly, he got it done!
by vms5q

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Land + fortune + work = happiness
by Killua

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John was ru[shing] to WORK EIGHT posts into the SOIL before the wedding. <fortunate>ly, he got it done!
by vms5q

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Land + fortune + work = happiness
by Killua

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people considered fortunate enough are able to have their own land and work. (8 is a very lucky/ fortunate number in China)
by 华语

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Happiness is having a land (tu) and working (gan) luckily and profitable (ba 8 is lucky number in China)
by thuthuy