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Found 5 stories for 怕
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The color drained, leaving her heart pale white with terror.
by KittyL2

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The heart turned white with fear.
by nchundley0309

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the cold weather made her face white and when her heart skipped a beat she was afraid for her life.
by richhomiebrie

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I see a mountain lion’s [paw] print. My HEART pounds. My face turns WHITE. I'm <afraid>.
by vms5q

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The white snow man had terrified her causing her heart to beat fast.
by King

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I see a mountain lion’s [paw] print. My HEART pounds. My face turns WHITE. I'm <afraid>.
by vms5q

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The color drained, leaving her heart pale white with terror.
by KittyL2

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The white snow man had terrified her causing her heart to beat fast.
by King

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The heart turned white with fear.
by nchundley0309

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the cold weather made her face white and when her heart skipped a beat she was afraid for her life.
by richhomiebrie