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Found 4 stories for 情
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While I was wat[ching] blue-green 青 moss growing up in moonlight, my heart 忄 lifted. It was an amazing feeling.
by vms5q

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I have this feeling that I'm young at heart even though I'm 90 years old
by verystruong

US Flag User Thumbnail

My HEART gets a feeling that is indescribable when I see my girlfriend in a BLUE GREEN dress...
by JoYousOjOe

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Tình xuất phát từ tim và trong xanh như bầu trời.
by huiheruan

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While I was wat[ching] blue-green 青 moss growing up in moonlight, my heart 忄 lifted. It was an amazing feeling.
by vms5q

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I have this feeling that I'm young at heart even though I'm 90 years old
by verystruong

US Flag User Thumbnail

My HEART gets a feeling that is indescribable when I see my girlfriend in a BLUE GREEN dress...
by JoYousOjOe

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Tình xuất phát từ tim và trong xanh như bầu trời.
by huiheruan