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Found 5 stories for 抱
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When Megan gets upset a[bou]t something, John holds out his HANDs to her and WRAPs her in an <embrace>.
by vms5q

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When you hug (embrace) someone, you use your hands to wrap yourself around them.
by isnorden

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I use my hand to wrap and embrace my dog
by Dmoney

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As I wrap the burrito in my hand I embrace it.
by King-Aragorn

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My hand wraps around your hand, I embrace or hold your hand.
by rfgatoloai1124

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When Megan gets upset a[bou]t something, John holds out his HANDs to her and WRAPs her in an <embrace>.
by vms5q

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When you hug (embrace) someone, you use your hands to wrap yourself around them.
by isnorden

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I use my hand to wrap and embrace my dog
by Dmoney

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As I wrap the burrito in my hand I embrace it.
by King-Aragorn

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My hand wraps around your hand, I embrace or hold your hand.
by rfgatoloai1124