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Found 14 stories for 捌
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Don't look at my eight hands.
by jcheng

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dont hand me an 8.
by Batman1

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don't judge her eight hands
by hferguson

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The eightfold path of Buddhism requires a hand-off approach to meditation; one that separates your not-self from the nothingness of the world
by deesta

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don't lend those eight people your hand
by ntang

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I don't need a hand, there are already eight people helping.
by rachelong

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Don't hand me the 8mm wrench.
by thesandman

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I have eight hands but they don't look nice.
by bhuffman

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I do not let me hands touch my dog since I may get sick.
by tdoster

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Running through the forest
by HughJanus

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the hand didn't touch the eight
by jmeindl

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the magician pulled an eight of diamonds out of the deck
by lexihands

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Don't split the hand into nine, only eight people are playing!
by cwolstencroft

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eight hands don't split
by madisonfarello

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dont hand me an 8.
by Batman1

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don't judge her eight hands
by hferguson

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The eightfold path of Buddhism requires a hand-off approach to meditation; one that separates your not-self from the nothingness of the world
by deesta

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don't lend those eight people your hand
by ntang

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I don't need a hand, there are already eight people helping.
by rachelong

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Don't look at my eight hands.
by jcheng

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Don't hand me the 8mm wrench.
by thesandman

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I have eight hands but they don't look nice.
by bhuffman

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I do not let me hands touch my dog since I may get sick.
by tdoster

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Running through the forest
by HughJanus

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the hand didn't touch the eight
by jmeindl

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the magician pulled an eight of diamonds out of the deck
by lexihands

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Don't split the hand into nine, only eight people are playing!
by cwolstencroft

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eight hands don't split
by madisonfarello