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Popping since 7 years ago

Showing 1 – 10 of 10 stories

玖 black jade

For quite a long time, the kingdom of the black jade King was hidden from all outsides until he was reunited with his brethren in both mind and body
by deesta

捌 eight

The eightfold path of Buddhism requires a hand-off approach to meditation; one that separates your not-self from the nothingness of the world
by deesta

柒 seven

The seven fortresses of Alpha Centauri were wholly constructed from pieces of driftwood salvaged from the seas of serenity.
by deesta

陆 land

The little lots of the laudable laughable lugnuts loot were laboriously lubricious, thus the laughable lugnuts lorded together to strike them lovingly
by deesta

伍 five

5 people talked to 5 people who talked to 5 people who talked to 5 people who talked to 5 people who talked to 5 people 5 times so there was 78125
by deesta

肆 four

When four men's hair grew absurddddddddllllllllyyyyyy loooonnnngggg they pooled together their liquidated assets to purchase a diamond encrusted brush
by deesta

The man had made three reasonably large deposits to the political campaign of the winning candidate last year; he couldn't wait to call the shots
by deesta

贰 two/betray

Because of the discontentment they had over their previous arrangement, one of the two seashells siphoned all of the other's bank accounts & dipped
by deesta

壹 one

The scholar had but one bean to cover all of his egregious medical expenses to the local veterinarian for his cat had developed a rare form of cancer
by deesta