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Found 3 stories for 歌
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My older brother yawns during my song at karaoke.
by beholdtheguz

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"Why does the <song> make BIG BROTHER and I *cross* the room and hu[g? "U]nder Pressure" reminds us of Grandma, to whom we OWE a lot," I shrug.
by vms5q

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I sing this song for my big brother's departure, he left for the war and we all miss him
by scaccabarrozzi

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"Why does the <song> make BIG BROTHER and I *cross* the room and hu[g? "U]nder Pressure" reminds us of Grandma, to whom we OWE a lot," I shrug.
by vms5q

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I sing this song for my big brother's departure, he left for the war and we all miss him
by scaccabarrozzi

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My older brother yawns during my song at karaoke.
by beholdtheguz