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Found 2 stories for 止
User Thumbnail

ONE hairLINE fracture in[jur]y I got walking through the UPPER End when a car ran through a stop sign. Knocked me *down*, but I got *up* again.
by vms5q

RU Flag User Thumbnail

Признак остановки 止 это табличка с расписанием ⺊ над 丄 головой
by Alex

User Thumbnail

ONE hairLINE fracture in[jur]y I got walking through the UPPER End when a car ran through a stop sign. Knocked me *down*, but I got *up* again.
by vms5q

RU Flag User Thumbnail

Признак остановки 止 это табличка с расписанием ⺊ над 丄 головой
by Alex