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Found 5 stories for 深
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The EIGHT WOODen instruments are COVERed with WATER, <deep> down on the o[cean] floor, explains Laura.
by vms5q

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the wood is 8 deep covered in water
by megaman2400

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Lower the bucket deep into the well to retrieve water
by Killua

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Người xưa dùng khúc gỗ cắm xuống để đo độ sâu so với mặt nước
by huiheruan

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Cover the water with 8 woods to make it look DARK !
by Geoffroy

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The EIGHT WOODen instruments are COVERed with WATER, <deep> down on the o[cean] floor, explains Laura.
by vms5q

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Cover the water with 8 woods to make it look DARK !
by Geoffroy

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the wood is 8 deep covered in water
by megaman2400

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Lower the bucket deep into the well to retrieve water
by Killua

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Người xưa dùng khúc gỗ cắm xuống để đo độ sâu so với mặt nước
by huiheruan