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Found 4 stories for 演
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throw some water on a tiger and it will perform - though perhaps not how you'd like it to!
by wenhailin

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Like man[y an]imals, TIGERs have <EVOLVE>d to not <perform> tricks if WATER's *scoop*ed on them.
by vms5q

RU Flag User Thumbnail

Намочив кошку жди представление
by Alex

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Respect to the tigers performance on the water
by jasche

User Thumbnail

Like man[y an]imals, TIGERs have <EVOLVE>d to not <perform> tricks if WATER's *scoop*ed on them.
by vms5q

RU Flag User Thumbnail

Намочив кошку жди представление
by Alex

User Thumbnail

throw some water on a tiger and it will perform - though perhaps not how you'd like it to!
by wenhailin

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Respect to the tigers performance on the water
by jasche