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Found 26 stories for 爱
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Friends protect each other from claws because they love each other.
by asala2018

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good bye my lover good bye my friend you have been the one for me I will cover you but if I don't I will claw you in every way. sing it
by CLTCpaul

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My friend claws the cover with love
by CLTCOktay

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If youclaw your friends face, it makes looooooove
by CLTCbryan

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Covering you friend shows love.
by tshaver64

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If you put your friend under a lid and use claw to protect them, you love them
by huangying

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love is when friends cover your claws
by CLTCKayla

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To love is to cover your friend from claws.
by Vitaly

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If you really love your friends, claw their face then cover your tracks.
by CLTCpaije

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People love their friends
by dosemobor915

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a claw, friend, and cover combined is a heart
by nbreck

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you covered me from those claws, you are my friend and love the way you are.
by Umi

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Hard to get out of
by jrex98

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love is two friend in a relationship of in a pit of fart
by cltcaalin

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I see someone constantly clawing someone with love under cover
by CLTCAndrew

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I don't love my friend because they didn't cover me when a tiger tried kill me with its claw, now I am sad
by CLTCAlicia

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If your friend loves you, they will cover for you. If they don't, claw them.
by CLTCGizelleTaylor

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If someone isn't your friend and your enemy claw their heart out
by CLTCSamira

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love is a cover that claws my friend!
by CLTCVietHaN

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I will cover you from the lions claw because I love you as my friend
by CLTCDavid

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I cover my friends with my claw to show my love
by CLTCRayan8A

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friends are like love and claw is like cover.
by cltcadna

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A friend will cover another friend from a claw because they love each other...
by ljohnson48

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the my two friends are getting married
by pkulesh33

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my friends love eachother and cover themselves from claws
by Cltckaltoum

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Covering a friend from a claw shows your love.
by dcloobeck

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To love is to cover your friend from claws.
by Vitaly

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If youclaw your friends face, it makes looooooove
by CLTCbryan

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my friends love eachother and cover themselves from claws
by Cltckaltoum

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the my two friends are getting married
by pkulesh33

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A friend will cover another friend from a claw because they love each other...
by ljohnson48

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good bye my lover good bye my friend you have been the one for me I will cover you but if I don't I will claw you in every way. sing it
by CLTCpaul

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My friend claws the cover with love
by CLTCOktay

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friends are like love and claw is like cover.
by cltcadna

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I cover my friends with my claw to show my love
by CLTCRayan8A

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I will cover you from the lions claw because I love you as my friend
by CLTCDavid

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love is a cover that claws my friend!
by CLTCVietHaN

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If someone isn't your friend and your enemy claw their heart out
by CLTCSamira

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If your friend loves you, they will cover for you. If they don't, claw them.
by CLTCGizelleTaylor

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I see someone constantly clawing someone with love under cover
by CLTCAndrew

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I don't love my friend because they didn't cover me when a tiger tried kill me with its claw, now I am sad
by CLTCAlicia

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If you really love your friends, claw their face then cover your tracks.
by CLTCpaije

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love is when friends cover your claws
by CLTCKayla

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love is two friend in a relationship of in a pit of fart
by cltcaalin

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Hard to get out of
by jrex98

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you covered me from those claws, you are my friend and love the way you are.
by Umi

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If you put your friend under a lid and use claw to protect them, you love them
by huangying

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a claw, friend, and cover combined is a heart
by nbreck

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Friends protect each other from claws because they love each other.
by asala2018

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Covering you friend shows love.
by tshaver64

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People love their friends
by dosemobor915

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Covering a friend from a claw shows your love.
by dcloobeck