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Found 6 stories for 物
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do not objectify the cows, lest they wu at you
by 馬格瑞

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The man named Cow does not want the object.
by nchundley0309

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Megan [woo]s him with steaks, but he says, "I DO NOT eat COWs as if they're inanimate <object>s."
by vms5q

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cow do not like objects behind him
by shahabshahab

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a cow is a thing but not all things are cows
by joolean

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Rafa tem uma coisa por vaca mesmo ele dizendo que não
by kias

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Megan [woo]s him with steaks, but he says, "I DO NOT eat COWs as if they're inanimate <object>s."
by vms5q

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cow do not like objects behind him
by shahabshahab

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a cow is a thing but not all things are cows
by joolean

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Rafa tem uma coisa por vaca mesmo ele dizendo que não
by kias

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do not objectify the cows, lest they wu at you
by 馬格瑞

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The man named Cow does not want the object.
by nchundley0309