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ㄐㄧㄡ ˇ


black jade

玖 is a 7 stroke, simplified and traditional Chinese character and is pronounced as jiǔ in the third tone.

It is made up of the components (king) and (long time).

  • ㄐㄧㄡ ˇ


    black jade

    • ㄨㄤ ˊ



    • ㄐㄧㄡ ˇ


      long time

14 stories have been written about this character — see all
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The king admired the black jade for a long time.
by jcheng

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the king led for a long time, over nine years
by jmeindl

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The nine kings had shared the black jade for a long time
by madisonfarello

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The king, for a long time, had nine black jade dragons.
by cwolstencroft

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a long time ago, there was a king who had nine black jade marbles
by lexihands

Show 9 more stories

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We found 1 pronunciation for 玖

Definitions for 玖 pronounced as jiǔ

  • black jade
  • nine (banker's anti-fraud numeral)


Collections which contain 玖 — see all

Banker number

by alain651 13 characters

Batman's Capitol Numbers

by Batman1 9 characters

Capitol Numbers

by lexihands 9 characters

Capitol Numbers

by madisonfarello 9 characters

See all collections