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Found 8 stories for 睡
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My eyes kept drooping so I decided to go to sleep.
by Pineapple

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drooping eyes sleep.
by cbgreeff0513

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My eyes are too droopy, I need to go to sleep
by Umi

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I tell the other kids to hu[sh way] *down* and stay by *John*'s crib until his EYEs are DROOPy and he falls a<sleep>.
by vms5q

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Its time to go to sleep now.
by King-Aragorn

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When my eyes begin to droop, I know it is time to go to sleep.
by KittyL2

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Her eye drooped to go to sleep.
by nchundley0309

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My drooping eye decided to sleep.
by ThatOneAsianKid

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I tell the other kids to hu[sh way] *down* and stay by *John*'s crib until his EYEs are DROOPy and he falls a<sleep>.
by vms5q

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drooping eyes sleep.
by cbgreeff0513

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My eyes kept drooping so I decided to go to sleep.
by Pineapple

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My eyes are too droopy, I need to go to sleep
by Umi

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Its time to go to sleep now.
by King-Aragorn

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When my eyes begin to droop, I know it is time to go to sleep.
by KittyL2

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Her eye drooped to go to sleep.
by nchundley0309

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My drooping eye decided to sleep.
by ThatOneAsianKid