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Found 2 stories for 禮
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In the <ceremony>, you'll *scoop* up and carry an old BENT BOX of BEANS. It's good <ETIQUETTE> to wear fril[ly] clothes. (礻 resembles 衤 "clothes").
by vms5q

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When you have a bountiful harvest of beans, you can afford to give signs of affection in the form of songs at ceremonies
by 馬格瑞

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In the <ceremony>, you'll *scoop* up and carry an old BENT BOX of BEANS. It's good <ETIQUETTE> to wear fril[ly] clothes. (礻 resembles 衤 "clothes").
by vms5q

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When you have a bountiful harvest of beans, you can afford to give signs of affection in the form of songs at ceremonies
by 馬格瑞