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Found 3 stories for 离
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Fierceness under a lid can trample you and then leave.
by martinchen

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*Charlie* *lifts* the LID, *lifts* the FIERCE tiger in his ARMs, sets it free, & PRIVATE[ly] sends *up* a prayer that the tiger will <leave>.
by vms5q

RU Flag User Thumbnail

Не обузданная свирепость ведёт к разлуке
by Alex

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*Charlie* *lifts* the LID, *lifts* the FIERCE tiger in his ARMs, sets it free, & PRIVATE[ly] sends *up* a prayer that the tiger will <leave>.
by vms5q

RU Flag User Thumbnail

Не обузданная свирепость ведёт к разлуке
by Alex

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Fierceness under a lid can trample you and then leave.
by martinchen