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Found 5 stories for 秋
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The grain stubble is burnt in autumn before the winter crop
by Joeyjoefro

US Flag User Thumbnail

During the autumn season, you can harvest a lot of grain but be careful not to set any fires.
by emilyajohn

US Flag User Thumbnail

The leaves in autumn's harvest season look of fire
by Funny翻译人

User Thumbnail

After the <autumn> harvest of GRAIN, the it[chy o]ld stubble is *laid out* and set on FIRE.
by vms5q

US Flag User Thumbnail

During the autumn season hardworking farmers labor for a plentiful harvest of GRAIN and take precautions of not setting accidental FIRES...
by JoYousOjOe

US Flag User Thumbnail

The leaves in autumn's harvest season look of fire
by Funny翻译人

User Thumbnail

After the <autumn> harvest of GRAIN, the it[chy o]ld stubble is *laid out* and set on FIRE.
by vms5q

GB Flag User Thumbnail

The grain stubble is burnt in autumn before the winter crop
by Joeyjoefro

US Flag User Thumbnail

During the autumn season hardworking farmers labor for a plentiful harvest of GRAIN and take precautions of not setting accidental FIRES...
by JoYousOjOe

US Flag User Thumbnail

During the autumn season, you can harvest a lot of grain but be careful not to set any fires.
by emilyajohn