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Found 4 stories for 科
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I stand BESIDE THE BOARD lecturing about battles the In[ca]s fought over GRAIN. *Across* this <FIELD/BRANCH> of history, I am the most knowledgeable.
by vms5q

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There was a battle between a duck and a sloth on a grain field
by cltcaliciaisfab

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there were sea turtle soldiers battling in the grain field.
by CLTCpaije

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The branch fell on the grain during the battle
by TheMiniCupcake

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I stand BESIDE THE BOARD lecturing about battles the In[ca]s fought over GRAIN. *Across* this <FIELD/BRANCH> of history, I am the most knowledgeable.
by vms5q

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The branch fell on the grain during the battle
by TheMiniCupcake

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There was a battle between a duck and a sloth on a grain field
by cltcaliciaisfab

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there were sea turtle soldiers battling in the grain field.
by CLTCpaije