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Found 3 stories for 简
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it's easy to plant bamboo where the sun shines through between the gates
by joolean

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The bamboo room is a simple place to be
by Funny翻译人

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Baby panda lives a <simple> life, investing all her ener[gy in] rolling *down*hill and climbing back *up*, a stick of BAMBOO always BETWEEN her teeth.
by vms5q

US Flag User Thumbnail

The bamboo room is a simple place to be
by Funny翻译人

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Baby panda lives a <simple> life, investing all her ener[gy in] rolling *down*hill and climbing back *up*, a stick of BAMBOO always BETWEEN her teeth.
by vms5q

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it's easy to plant bamboo where the sun shines through between the gates
by joolean