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Found 4 stories for 者
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The child of sun and earth.
by obabobu

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Because he’s as “old” as the “sun”, he is the person that is “zhe” specialist on this matter.
by Sprigit

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Ten suns leave the Valley of Light, together scorching the earth. For shooting at them, the god Yi is forced to live [ju]st a person, sans mirth.
by vms5q

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Is part of huozhe or
by TulekBehar

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Because he’s as “old” as the “sun”, he is the person that is “zhe” specialist on this matter.
by Sprigit

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Ten suns leave the Valley of Light, together scorching the earth. For shooting at them, the god Yi is forced to live [ju]st a person, sans mirth.
by vms5q

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The child of sun and earth.
by obabobu

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Is part of huozhe or
by TulekBehar