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ㄈㄨ ˊ

used for 殍 piǎo, to die of starvation

莩 is a 10 stroke, simplified and traditional Chinese character and is pronounced as in the second tone, however it can also be pronounced as piǎo.

It is made up of the components (grass) and (believe in).

  • ㄈㄨ ˊ

    used for 殍 piǎo, to die of starvation

    • ㄘㄠ ˙



    • ㄈㄨ ˊ

      believe in

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We found 2 pronunciations for 莩


Definitions for 莩 pronounced as piǎo

  • used for 殍 piǎo, to die of starvation

Definitions for 莩 pronounced as fú

  • membrane lining inside a cylindrical stem
  • culm


The most common words for 莩 — see all

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