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Found 7 stories for 菜
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Some vegetables are picked from grass
by dosemobor915

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vegetable is one grass that we have to pick from trees
by thuthuy

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Chinese pick grass to make CUISINE.
by rparent62

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Pick the stuff that doesn't look like grass. These are vegetables.
by Yibai

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The cow *lowers* her mouth and PICKs the GRASS, her favorite <vegetable>. John's not an animal person bu[t si]ghs, relieved.
by vms5q

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vegetables are picked in the grass...
by ljohnson48

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Pick the grass to find the vegetables
by nbreck

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Pick the stuff that doesn't look like grass. These are vegetables.
by Yibai

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The cow *lowers* her mouth and PICKs the GRASS, her favorite <vegetable>. John's not an animal person bu[t si]ghs, relieved.
by vms5q

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vegetable is one grass that we have to pick from trees
by thuthuy

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Chinese pick grass to make CUISINE.
by rparent62

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vegetables are picked in the grass...
by ljohnson48

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Pick the grass to find the vegetables
by nbreck

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Some vegetables are picked from grass
by dosemobor915