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Found 6 stories for 话
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My tongue produces speeches with words.
by EliteTrojan12

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The speech that falls from my tongue forms words
by monica

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i use my tongue to form words, which i then use to form speeches
by Tiggerz

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To know someone is to listen to the words of speech in many tongues, including body language ~ 認識
by talk2dream

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Tongues form words which form speeches.
by deviningers

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I use my tongue for speech with words
by Dmoney

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The speech that falls from my tongue forms words
by monica

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i use my tongue to form words, which i then use to form speeches
by Tiggerz

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To know someone is to listen to the words of speech in many tongues, including body language ~ 認識
by talk2dream

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Tongues form words which form speeches.
by deviningers

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I use my tongue for speech with words
by Dmoney

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My tongue produces speeches with words.
by EliteTrojan12