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Found 3 stories for 语
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"讠 (speech) and 吾 (I/my) Năm (五) miệng (口) nói qua mic, ngôn ngữ (语) vang khắp hội trường"
by lkhalliera

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"You speak five languages, it's as if you have five mouths." (yan2, wu3, yu3, kou3)
by IrishJohn

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I use all 5 limbs like a single mouth piece when I truly speak
by talk2dream

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"讠 (speech) and 吾 (I/my) Năm (五) miệng (口) nói qua mic, ngôn ngữ (语) vang khắp hội trường"
by lkhalliera

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"You speak five languages, it's as if you have five mouths." (yan2, wu3, yu3, kou3)
by IrishJohn

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I use all 5 limbs like a single mouth piece when I truly speak
by talk2dream