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Found 4 stories for 路
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each foot must be on the road
by sujay

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Every (ge) step (zu) on the road (lu)
by thuthuy

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With each FOOTstep he MARCHes along the <road>, John's muscles [loo]sen. He feels more relaxed.
by vms5q

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Be careful where you put each foot down on the road, you could fall over!
by Ceruleanlotus

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With each FOOTstep he MARCHes along the <road>, John's muscles [loo]sen. He feels more relaxed.
by vms5q

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Be careful where you put each foot down on the road, you could fall over!
by Ceruleanlotus

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Every (ge) step (zu) on the road (lu)
by thuthuy

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each foot must be on the road
by sujay